Become a Lead Volunteer
Lead Volunteers are at the core of making BellRinger Weekend happen. These dedicated people work directly with the BellRinger Team leading up to and during BellRinger Weekend to ensure a seamless Ride Weekend experience for all.

Lead Volunteers serve as liaisons between the BellRinger team, production team, and BellRinger volunteers. They help in coordinating the execution of BellRinger’s Opening Ceremony, Ride Start, rest stops, and finish lines, and serve as a resource for their assigned volunteers.

Lead Volunteers are those who commit to going the extra mile as a volunteer. They will be required to attend a virtual training session prior to BellRinger Weekend and will serve as an extension of the BellRinger team during Ride Weekend. Ideal candidates for Lead Volunteers are passionate, hardworking, and willing to lead the way in making BellRinger Weekend a success.
To inquire about becoming a Lead Volunteer, email us at