The adrenaline is pumping, the excitement is building, and the countdown to BellRinger 2023 has officially begun! In just 100 Days, the BellRinger community will unite with Georgetown Lombardi in the fight against cancer. Your stories have inspired others to take action, but your commitment to change the reality of cancer is what continues to empower us. With just 100 days standing between us and the Ride, there’s no better time to start preparing.
Strength in Numbers
As you gear up for BellRinger Weekend, one of the most essential aspects is building your team. Reach out to friends, family, colleagues, and fellow enthusiasts who share your determination to fight cancer. By inviting others to join you, you’ll be working together to further our collective impact — and quite frankly, you’ll have more fun during BellRinger Weekend when you get to Ride alongside your crew.
As you recruit folks to join your team, think about using a few of the following methods to spread the word:
- Reach out to your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, hairdresser, personal trainer, favorite barista, or the person always at the dog park at the same time as you. Depending on the Team you’re creating, reach out to people through emails, letters, Zoom calls, etc. to personally invite them to join you.
- Plan a training ride. Bringing together your teammates who have committed and those who are on the fence for a training ride gives everyone a glimpse of the BellRinger experience your Team will share. (Or better yet, come to a BellRinger training ride and bring some friends along!)
- Host a Team kick-off party! Invite your friends and family for a BBQ or get your coworkers together for lunch to talk about your BellRinger goals and the difference they can make by joining you.
Check out our Team Toolkit for more ways to build your Team!
Hit Your Fundraising Goals
There’s no better time than the present to kickstart your fundraising efforts. Big goals require big commitments, and ending cancer isn’t going to happen overnight; just ask a cancer researcher who spends days on end in the lab. The fundraising commitments are challenging yet attainable, as we believe in everyone’s ability to fundraise when they set their mind to it. Fundraising is not only rewarding, but can be fun.
- Get personal – Reaching out to your friends and family and sharing your excitement for BellRinger is the best first step. Your story is the greatest asset you have, and we encourage you to share that with everyone you can. Leverage social media platforms, personally email your people, and engage in conversations about the importance of BellRinger and what it means to you.
- Get creative – Bring in your other hobbies, such as a bake sale or a wine tasting, to share about your participation in BellRinger and encourage donations. Remember to direct friends and family to your Rider Profile to view your story and donate to your Ride.
- Be bold – Keep in mind that everyone has been affected by cancer. While asking for money can be awkward, have confidence that your commitment to funding cancer research is well worth it. Be genuine, and we believe that you’ll have enthusiastic support.
For more tips on fundraising, read through our Fundraising Toolkit.
Train, Train, Train!
Getting out on your bike early and often will make all the difference in feeling confident to take on the Ride. We have seen many of our Riders at training rides and preparing on their own time to get their body ready to go the distance this October. If you listen to anything we say, let it be this: do not wing it! Training is not only essential for your physical preparedness, but mental too.
- A variety of tools are available to help you track your progress as you get ready for BellRinger Weekend. There are many popular apps, including Strava, MapMyRide, and RideWithGPS, that monitor distance and performance. You can also invest in a bike computer and other wearables that will provide additional real-time training data.
- Your training plan depends on the route you choose. Some cyclists use formal training plans, while others prefer to take it day-by-day. Riders who choose the longer route options will likely benefit from a more structured training regimen.
- Bike fit is key and will impact your comfort, speed, and efficiency as you ride. Consider investing in a professional bike fitting. A bike fit professional will review the contact points between the bike and your body—seat height and width, handlebar position, and cleat setup. A professional fitting can help you avoid injury and fatigue on your bike.
To keep it simple — get out on your bike. You’ll be thankful you did! To join BellRinger on a training ride in the lead up to BellRinger Weekend, check out our schedule here!
The BellRinger team is gearing up to ensure that Ride Weekend is better than ever for our community this fall, and we are here to help in any way we can to make the next 100 Days unforgettable for our Riders, volunteers, and supporters. Let’s do this thing!