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Leading the Charge: Caleb Klemick’s Story

From cheering on Riders to fueling them up in Greenbriar, BellRinger was the best way for Caleb to spend his Saturday afternoon

2 min read
BellRinger volunteers in front of tents with food and drink

Taking part  in supporting life-saving cancer initiatives is something Caleb Klemick, 23-year-old public relations professional from Washington, D.C., has dedicated himself to for the past six years. During his time at Penn State University, he was involved with a student-led non profit that raised money in support of children battling cancer. Upon his graduation and move to D.C. his passion was stronger than ever to give back to his community and fight for those who can not and should not take on cancer alone.

BellRinger quickly became his new outlet in his community to give back. In BellRinger 2022, Caleb served as a Lead Volunteer at the Greenbriar rest stop. In his role, he led a team of numerous volunteers who were dedicated to helping all Riders fuel up and continue on their Ride to end cancer. Getting to be on the frontlines of the Ride and encouraging Riders along the way was something that he will not soon forget, and is excited to do again this year.

“Volunteering for BellRinger gave me a way to support my community and a cause that's important to me, while having a ton of fun along the way.”

Caleb Klemick

“My favorite part was getting to meet some of the Riders at my rest stop and hear their stories. Cancer touches the lives of so many people in so many ways, but getting to hear how people turned that pain and hardship into something beautiful that brings us all closer together is incredibly inspiring.”

When asked what he would say to someone considering spending their weekend with the BellRinger Community as a volunteer, Caleb said, “Don’t think about it, just do it! There are a ton of ways you can get involved, including some low-stakes, low-commitment positions that still give you the opportunity to make an important contribution to this amazing cause. I might be biased, but I hear rest stop volunteers have a ton of fun :). I’ll be the guy running after riders with water bottles and granola bars at the rest stops — I hope you join me!!”

Caleb is excited to take on year two and to give back his time to a community that will one day celebrate the demise of cancer.

To learn more about ways you can do your part as a BellRinger volunteer, check out our volunteer page here!

March 1, 2023

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